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adverbs or adjectives

The difference between adjective and adverb

An adjective tells us more about a noun.


He bought an expensive car last week. - We describe a thing.

Her friend Zoe is a clever girl. - We describe a person.

They live in an old house. - How is the house? Asking for a thing.

An adverb tells us more about a verb, an adjective or an adverb.


He talked nervously. - We describe an action.

It was extremely cold. - We describe a situation.

They always walk quickly. - How do they walk? Asking for an action.

How to form the adverb

Adjective + ly

They looked at their broken vase sadly.

He went quietly into the bedroom.

She opened the letter nervously.

Adjectives ending in y »»» ily

They shouted at the naughty kids angrily.

The children played in the garden happily.

We drank our glasses of orange juice thirstily.

Adjectives ending in -le »»» ly

The children did their maths homework terribly.

He was capably supported by his friends.

She stroke her dog's head gently.

Adjectives ending in -ly

friendly - in a friendly way / manner

lively - in a lively way / manner

lonely - in a lonely way / manner

lovely - in a lovely way / manner

silly - in a silly way / manner

daily - daily

early - early

monthly - monthly

weekly - weekly

yearly - yearly

Irregular forms

good - well

fast - fast

hard - hard

long - long

low - low

straight - straight

extra - extra

doubtless - doubtless

Double forms

hard - hard / hardly = barely

near - near / nearly = almost

late - late / lately = recently

How to use the adverb

1. Verb + adverb - the adverb describes a verb.

He drove carefully on the highway.

They could sell her house quickly.

Our neighbours's dog always barks at us loudly.

2. Adjective + adverb - the adverb describes an adjective.

He bought her a necklace which was horribly expensive.

She was terribly sorry for being late again.

3. Adverb + adverb - the adverb describes an adverb.

They played terribly badly last weekend.

He usually does his homework absolutely correctly.

No adverb with the following verbs:

Forms of to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be,...), seem, get, turn, grow, sound, feel, taste, become, smell, remain, stay, look (in the meaning of look like)

Some of these verbs can be used with an adverb, but the meaning is different (e.g.: feel well, taste well).

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